Violence begets more violence and peace begets more peace. The Bible is very thorough in showing how life deteriorates without God and how it prospers with God. The physical aspects of this world are very powerful in that they scream to the five senses as we touch, see, smell, hear and taste our way through every day.
The senses are a primary influence in how everyday decisions are made. Our marketing is geared to how one can be made to feel with a new product or new information. How it can make you look and make you feel better. As a result, it has become difficult for one to find priority in searching out what the Creator of the universe says about priority.
This is not a condemnation. It is a challenge.
God has always provided for those who love Him. However, now, in this alternate reality, since the death, burial and resurrection of His Son whom through He reconciled the world to Himself; not counting the sins of men against them for those who believe; the believer finds himself with different priorities. Since God's finished work, this age of Grace, which was never mentioned in the four gospels or the Old Testament, but first mentioned in Acts 20:24, has become the alternate reality in which all believers live.
Never before have things been quite like they are now. The Garden of Eden had no sin as there was not any knowledge of sin. Not having God in one’s life could not even be conceived. Perfect health, perfect harmony of body and environment were natural without any exerted effort. However, that life was evidently not as perfect as we may think it was. Satan created a perceived need that was not a need at all. But, Eve concluded that eating the fruit was necessary as Satan convinced her that God was keeping something hidden from them. Adam knew it was a horrible mistake in eating the fruit but if Eve was going to die he made the choice to die with her.
From that time until Abraham God saw the world deteriorate morally to the point that violence was on their mind continually. A complete absence of God. After Noah’s flood man turned to replace God with idols through the worship of demons. It’s interesting that idol worship is not mentioned in pre-diluvian Scripture. Only after the flood is idolatry introduced as a man-made invention. Not because God is not recognized as the Creator but in complete defiance of the Creator...a perfect example of the five senses becoming a god of life.
However, against all odds, God reconciled the world to Himself in spite of man’s degenerate condition. Like in the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve ate there was no sin. Like today, because of God’s sacrifice, there is no sin for believers as they believe God when Paul wrote Romans 8:3. The believer’s mind has been re-created. The Law has been replaced in the believer with the Holy Spirit. There is no darkness in the believer as light and darkness cannot occupy the same space. Although the believer stumbles, God remains Faithful as "he cannot disown himself."
The believer’s mind is not set on the things that satisfy earthly desire. They are not focused on bringing artificial attention to themselves. The Holy Spirit allows them to see through the temptations of life with common sense. They conduct their lives with moderation and balanced temperament. They do not repay wrong with wrong. But, they find themselves able to be generous with their time and gifts. Since we all live in a fallen world believers still battle the flesh. But, because they have made God a priority or rather God has made them a priority as they are "known by God" they cannot grieve the Holy Spirit that lives in them. Taking advantage of another for their own advancement or benefit or vanity is detestable in their minds. For the Holy Spirit directs them to continually encourage others to their highest good. Which brings us to the only thing that counts toward our reward...Gal that worketh by love.
The prioritized believer is not a violent person period. They are peace makers. Is it because of uncommon self control? Or is it because they have been re-created from the inside out? It was God's plan all along. His dwelling place is in the believer. He so loved the world. But, he lives in the individual.
Please pray Ps 35 every night for our Country. Replace the pronoun I with U.S.